7:04 AM

Finishing up Vancouver visit

I'm already a little behind with this updating! Just going to summarize our last two days in Vancouver.

July 5, 2008
Joyce's Wedding! Went early with Joe and Patty to go and help Joyce set up.
That's us grabbing breakfast at the White Spot before heading over to Granville Island.

We set up really fast, so Jamie and I had some time to walk arond the island a bit.

Jamie took a lot of wedding pictures, but we haven't had time to sort them yet so I'll put them up later. Suffice it to say that we all had a good time.

July 6, 2008
Joyce and Dave hosted a BBQ a Kitsilano Beach, and we had great weather for it.
After that, head out for dinner with the whole family, then to Grace's for cake for Auntie Jolie's birthday.

And that concludes our quick stop in Vancouver! Next post, the start of Japan!